CHCI Leadership Development Program

CHCI’s Leadership Development Program (LDP) is a comprehensive, 12-month leadership journey, meticulously designed to cultivate high-performing leaders capable of driving impactful change across all levels of an organization. The program follows a unique, tiered approach, focusing on the development of the individual, the team, and the organization.

The LDP is underpinned by a commitment to real-world impact and transformation, equipping participants with the requisite skills and confidence to excel in their leadership roles.

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Program Structure

The program employs a structured approach that aligns individual growth with team development and organizational goals, allowing a cohort of 24 organizational leaders to grow and learn together over a year.

Self View

The first phase of the program emphasizes self-awareness, helping participants understand their leadership styles, strengths, and areas for development. This phase may include sessions focused on key areas such as resilience and tenacity, along with 360° assessments and individualized executive coaching sessions.

Team View

The second phase of the program transitions from individual leadership to team leadership. Participants are tasked with applying their newly honed skills within a team context. This phase encourages effective communication, fostering a culture of accountability, and inspiring others, creating an environment of collaborative and dynamic leadership.

Organizational View

The final phase of the program broadens the perspective to the organizational level. Participants learn how to navigate and influence the broader organizational system, driving innovation and a strategic mindset to improve organizational performance.

Key Components

Equipped with an understanding of self, team, and organizational perspectives, participants are now primed to delve into the key components of the Leadership Development Program, including

Individual 360° Assessments

The LDP utilizes the PROFILOR® 360° assessment tool to provide participants with in-depth insights into their leadership performance. This tool collects feedback from various sources, giving participants a well-rounded view of their strengths and areas for development.

Executive Coaching

Each participant is paired with a certified executive coach, who provides personalized guidance and support throughout the program. This coaching relationship is foundational to the participant’s development, fostering both personal and professional growth.

Interactive, In-person Training Sessions

The LDP includes a series of live, interactive training sessions, led by experienced facilitators. These sessions, which can be customized to suit the specific needs of the participants, focus on a range of leadership competencies.

Group Calls

Meeting every other month in person in live, interactive training sessions provides value to the participants; reinforcing the learning on alternate months with a 60-minute group call provides participants the opportunity to apply their learnings in real-time.

Capstone Project

The program concludes with a capstone project, a comprehensive exercise allowing participants to put their newly acquired knowledge and skills into practice. This project enables participants to showcase their leadership development and apply their learning in a practical context.

Measuring LDP Success

One of the cornerstones of a successful Leadership Development Program (LDP) is the ability to evaluate its effectiveness and measure the return on investment (ROI). At CHCI, we ensure our program is not just impactful but also measurable, using the Kirkpatrick Model to assess the value our training provides at several levels. This multi-tiered approach allows us to continually refine and enhance the program based on precise and meaningful insights.

The Kirkpatrick Model is a renowned method for evaluating the effectiveness of training programs. It features four levels of evaluation:

  • Attendance: Evaluates engagement and participation levels.
  • Learning: Measures knowledge and skills acquired.
  • Applied Learning: Assesses the application of new skills and knowledge in real-world settings.
  • Results: Tracks the impact of the program on organizational goals and objectives.

The Leadership Development Program is a holistic and immersive leadership journey, designed to equip participants with the skills and confidence to lead effectively and drive meaningful change within their organizations.

  • Attendance: Evaluates engagement and participation levels.
  • Learning: Measures knowledge and skills acquired.
  • Applied Learning: Assesses the application of new skills and knowledge in real-world settings.
  • Results: Tracks the impact of the program on organizational goals and objectives.
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