Employee Engagement

Energizing Excellence: A Dive into Employee Engagement and Inspiration

In any organization, employee engagement is one of the keys to productivity and efficiency. The cost of disengagement is high, often leading to decreased productivity, increased turnover, and reduced profitability. To combat these challenges, it’s essential for leaders to have a clear understanding of human motivation in theory and practice, and to effectively engage their […]

Engaging Employees Through Sustainability

So you want to start an employee engagement program? BBMG recently released a white paper that addresses sustainability as an organizational core value, which not only helps the planet but also increases employee engagement.

Seventeen Incredible Employee Perks of Thriving Companies

Guest post by Reuben Yonatan With so much of the average adult’s life spent at work, it’s surprising just how slow the workforce has been in demanding an environment conducive to productivity and satisfaction. In fact, millennials reported that besides compensation a good work-life balance is the most important factor when evaluating job opportunities. Companies all over the […]

These 15 Companies Know How to Keep Employees Happy

By Ashley Bell, originally published on SnackNation Some companies just know how to keep employees happy. You should be jealous of them. Research (and common sense) shows that happy employees work harder, work better, and work for you longer. Keeping your employees happy gives you more than just warm fuzzies; it bolsters your bottom line. Jealousy aside, […]

What To Do When Employees Resent Coworkers Who Work From Home

Maritza manages a team of fifteen, five of which work from home. Recently, she’s noticed some of her in-office team showing signs of unhappiness and disengagement. Terry, an employee of eight years, has stopped contributing to group discussions almost entirely. Jamal and Doug have started leaving the office together a little earlier than the official […]

How Workplace Flexibility Can Dramatically Reduce Employee Turnover

By Kevin Conner Low rates of employee turnover are an indicator of a healthy business. Keeping your company from becoming a revolving door makes it easier for you to plan long term, saves you the expense of recruiting an onboarding new hires and it also helps you develop an internal company culture that can help […]

What Courses Should All Leaders Take?

Isn’t it odd that certain professions require a certification process, yet being a leader doesn’t require one? Social workers, CPAs, lawyers, doctors, and other professionals all went through some type of licensing or exam process, yet leaders don’t even require an MBA. What if there were pre-requisite courses required for leadership? What would that curriculum […]

Five Tips to Transform Talent in the Workplace

Let’s talk talent. I don’t mean Broadway and Hollywood talent; I mean organizational talent. The people at work who lead projects, clash with their colleagues, and often give 100% to their organization. The questions I’ve been asked to address in my various talks over the years include: How to retain talent with limited promotional opportunities? […]

20 Ways to Boost Employee Engagement Starting Today

HR managers can agree that employee engagement and retention are at the top of their priority list. Every company wants to attract and keep the best talent. The problem? Many employees in today’s job market quickly feel uninspired by their work, get bored after 2 years and start job hunting for something new. So we decided to speak […]

How Using Games and Game Mechanics in Business Can Increase Your Bottom Line Starting Today

Most people think that games are just for kids. According to Jane McGonigal’s TedTalk, embedded below, three billion hours a week are spent playing games. Gamification, the underlying mechanics that make video games so compelling, can also help professionals develop into better team members, employees, managers, and innovators in non-gaming environments. What Is Gamification? Gamification […]