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Articles On Executive Coaching, People Analytics, Human Capital Management and Leadership Development

Solving Problems Through Reframing

It’s easy to blame leadership when organizations face problems, When this happens, you might hear complaints about the leader, such as “She’s too rigid.”

Inclusion and Belonging Calendar

The hottest topics in many organizations today are diversity, inclusion, and belonging. Yet many people don’t understand the historical, cultural, and religious events of diverse groups. Click here to download the CHCI inclusion and belonging calendar to help you acknowledge and celebrate these days as one way to foster a more inclusive organizational culture. Let’s share […]

Busting Bias in a Hybrid Workforce

While hybrid workplaces are becoming the norm for many organizations, equitable and inclusive hybrid work environments are not, and this can cause problems for your team.

How to Own Your Career Growth

While hybrid workplaces are becoming the norm for many organizations, equitable and inclusive hybrid work environments are not, and this can cause problems for your team.

Creating an Equitable and Inclusive Hybrid Work Environment

While hybrid workplaces are becoming the norm for many organizations, equitable and inclusive hybrid work environments are not, and this can cause problems for your team.

Purpose: A Key Driver of Organizational Performance

According to a recent study by Gallup, Millennials value career advancement more than salary, flexible work, health insurance, and all other benefits.

Career Planning: Creating a Professional Development Plan

According to a recent study by Gallup, Millennials value career advancement more than salary, flexible work, health insurance, and all other benefits.

Best Practices for Hiring Gen Z

The US workforce is more diverse than ever: racially, ethnically, and even generationally, with different generations working side by side. Each generation has somewhat unique characteristics and, generally speaking, is distinctly different from the others. This can present organizational challenges. However, it is also an opportunity to leverage generational strengths for improved organizational performance. Since […]

Longevity’s Impact on Workforce Education

Is an organization responsible for educating its workforce? CHCI recently conducted a roundtable conversation to answer this question, discussing the “Three Stages of Work” model and current job requirements. First, let’s review the “Three Stages of Work” model: Education Work Retirement This model states that in general, humans get an education until their 20’s, work […]

Future of Work for Product Managers

I feel lucky that my career has allowed me to meet so many interesting, curious, and knowledgeable people. You will find some of them in this roundup of podcasts and interviews that I joined. 1. Future of leadership for product managers I was honored to be invited by Chad McAllister from Product Mastery as a […]